IBM Books

Event Logging System Messages Guide

AppleTalk Phase 2 Routing Table Maintenance Protocol (R2MP)

This chapter describes AppleTalk Phase 2 Routing Table Maintenance Protocol (R2MP) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: R2MP.003 nt num inferred net_number nt network

Long Syntax: R2MP.003 net number inferred net_number net network

Description: A net number has been inferred from an RTMP data packet and has been assigned to the specified interface.



Short Syntax: R2MP.004 nt nmbrs cnflct frm net_num/ src_node not in net_num- net_num on nt network

Long Syntax: R2MP.004 net numbers conflict from net_num/ src_node not in net_num- net_num on nt network

Description: The source net number of an RTMP packet conflicts with the current known net range for the specified interface.

Cause: Configuration error in some host on the network.

Action: Make sure that only one network range is being seeded by multiple routers on the same network.



Short Syntax: R2MP.005 bd net net_range in RTMP frm src_net/ src_node

Long Syntax: R2MP.005 bad net net_range in RTMP from src_net/ src_node

Description: An illegal network range was found in an RTMP data packet from the specified router.



Short Syntax: R2MP.006 nt rtng tbl ovrfl, dsc net_range

Long Syntax: R2MP.006 network routing table overflow, discarding net_range

Description: Insertion of the specified net into the routing table was not performed because the allocation of heap memory failed.

Action: If the problem is chronic, increase the heap memory available by: (1) upgrading memory, or (2) turning off unnecessary features. You may be able to reduce the size of AppleTalk tables using AppleTalk filters to filter out unnecessary routing information.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: R2MP.007 rte to net_range via gw_net/ gw_node excds max hps, disc

Long Syntax: R2MP.007 rte to net_range via gw_net/ gw_node exceeds max hops, discarded

Description: An RTMP data packet contained a new route to the specified net, but at too large a hop count. The route was discarded.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: R2MP.008 new rte to net_range via gw_net/ gw_node, hops hops

Long Syntax: R2MP.008 new route to net_range via gw_net/ gw_node, hops hops

Description: A new route was added to the routing table via the indicated first hop.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: R2MP.009 rte to net_range via gw_net/ gw_node dltd, hopc excded

Long Syntax: R2MP.009 rte to net_range via gw_net/ gw_node deleted, hopcount exceeded

Description: The route to the indicated network was deleted from the routing table due to a new route with too large a hop count.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: R2MP.010 rte to net_range aged away

Long Syntax: R2MP.010 rte to net_range aged away

Description: The route to the indicated network was deleted from the routing table due to aging.



Short Syntax: R2MP.011 no mem RTMP brdcst nt network, packet_count pkts snt

Long Syntax: R2MP.011 no memory for RTMP broadcast net network, packet_count packets sent

Description: No memory was available for a buffer to send an RTMP data packet. The reported number of packets was sent before the error occurred.



Short Syntax: R2MP.012 Outgng disc nt network rsn error_code

Long Syntax: R2MP.012 Outgoing discarded net network reason error_code

Description: An outgoing RTMP packet was not successfully transmitted for the specified reason.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: R2MP.014 rqst rcv frm src_net/ src_node nt network

Long Syntax: R2MP.014 Request received from src_net/ src_node net network

Description: An RTMP Request was received from the specified host. An RTMP Response will be sent.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: R2MP.017 Snt nt network pkts packet_count

Long Syntax: R2MP.017 Sent net network packets packet_count

Description: The indicated number of RTMP data packets was sent on the specified interface.


Level: U-INFO

Short Syntax: R2MP.019 del nt net_range rt via net_num/ node_num nt network

Long Syntax: R2MP.019 del network net_range route via net_num/ node_num net network

Description: The route to the indicated network has been deleted from the routing table.



Short Syntax: R2MP.023 Dta bd len ( length) frm src_net/ src_node nt network

Long Syntax: R2MP.023 Data bad length ( length bytes) from src_net/ src_node net network

Description: The RTMP Data or Response packet did not have an even (or zero) number of RTMP routing tuples. The packet will be discarded.



Short Syntax: R2MP.024 Dta bd ID len ( ID_length) frm src_net/ src_node nt network

Long Syntax: R2MP.024 Data bad sender's node ID length ( ID_length bits) from src_net/ src_node net network

Description: A RTMP Data or Repsonse packet was received where the Sender's ID length was not 8 bits. This implementation requires this to be 8 bits. The packet will be discarded.



Short Syntax: R2MP.026 Dta bd vers ( version) frm src_net/ src_node nt network

Long Syntax: R2MP.026 Data bad version ( version) from src_net/ src_node net network

Description: The RTMP Data or Response packet did not have the correct version number (0x82) in the first RTMP routing tuple. The packet will be discarded.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: R2MP.027 RDR rcv frm src_net/ src_node nt network

Long Syntax: R2MP.027 Route Data Request received from src_net/ src_node net network

Description: A RTMP Route Data Request or Extended Route Data Request was received from the specified host. RTMP Data will be sent.



Short Syntax: R2MP.028 bad netrange net_first- net_last nt network spans net_first- net_last

Long Syntax: R2MP.028 Bad netrange net_first- net_last net network spans net_first- net_last

Description: A netrange overlaps either an interface netrange or an existing net. The first netrange will be discarded.

Cause: Bad network configuration.



Short Syntax: R2MP.029 filtered int netrange net_first- net_last nt network

Long Syntax: R2MP.029 Filtered Interface netrange net_first- net_last net network

Description: An interface netrange is filtered by its own net filter. The interface will be disabled. The user should reconfigure either the filter or the interface netrange.



Short Syntax: R2MP.030 filtered net net on nt network

Long Syntax: R2MP.030 Filtered net net on net network

Description: A net was filtered by an interface net filter.



Short Syntax: R2MP.031 filtered netrange net_first- net_last frm src_net/ src_node on nt network

Long Syntax: R2MP.031 Filtered netrange net_first- net_last from src_net/ src_node on net network

Description: A netrange from another router was filtered by an interface net filter.



Short Syntax: R2MP.032 Req frm src_net/ src_node nt network, port ntwk num 0

Long Syntax: R2MP.032 Request from src_net/ src_node net network, port's network number 0

Description: A RTMP Request or Route Data Request packet was received on an interface whose port network number was still zero. The request will be ignored.

Cause: Port has not yet gleaned network number from seed router.

Action: Wait until network number gleaned.

Cause: No seed router on network for network number.

Action: Reconfigure a router to be seed.


Level: P-TRACE

Short Syntax: R2MP.033 data pkt frm src_net/ src_node nt network

Long Syntax: R2MP.033 data packet from src_net/ src_node net network

Description: A RTMP data packet has been received.



Short Syntax: R2MP.034 rqst, bd src node src_net/ src_node nt network

Long Syntax: R2MP.034 Request, bad source node src_net/ src_node net network

Description: A RTMP Request or Route Data Request was received with an illegal source address (0 or 255).



Short Syntax: R2MP.035 rqst, unk func R2MP_function frm src_net/ src_node nt network, disc

Long Syntax: R2MP.035 Request, unkown function R2MP_function from src_net/ src_node net network

Description: A RTMP Request was received with an unknown function code. The packet will be ignored.



Short Syntax: R2MP.036 Rqst short ( length) frm src_net/ src_node nt network

Long Syntax: R2MP.036 Request too short ( length bytes) from src_net/ src_node net network

Description: The RTMP request packet was too short to contain the required RTMP header data. The packet will be discarded.



Short Syntax: R2MP.037 Dta short ( length) frm src_net/ src_node nt network

Long Syntax: R2MP.037 Data packet short ( length bytes) from src_net/ src_node net network

Description: The RTMP Data or Response packet was too short to contain the required RTMP header data. The packet will be discarded.



Short Syntax: R2MP.038 ilg rtmp net 0 from src_net/ src_node nt network

Long Syntax: R2MP.038 illegal rtmp net number 0 from src_net/ src_node net network

Description: A RTMP Data or Response packet with a sender's network number of 0 was received. The packet will be discarded.

Cause: Sending node has software bug, should not send RTMP Data or Response when network number is zero.

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